Pubg pc update today
Pubg pc update today

pubg pc update today

  • SKS: There is a slight increase in recovery speed and a buff in bullet speed.
  • SLR: An increase in bullet and recovery speed.
  • Marksman rifles in PUBG Mobile will receive a change in damage at longer distances, or bullet speeds, or recovery speeds.

    pubg pc update today

    The new update is likely to change the dynamics among the weapon rankings as many guns are expected to go under rebalancing. While carrying the teammates, players will not be able to pick up any other equipment, enter vehicles, or use weapons, minimizing the benefit and forcing users to apply skills. Therefore, users will be able to safely revive their fellow teammates after getting to a safer location.Īlthough the new feature seems pretty fascinating, it still has some limitations.

    pubg pc update today

    However, with the 1.7 version update, developers will bring a new “Carry” function, which will allow players to pick up their allies to another place. Therefore, the team’s strength tends to decrease pretty quickly. In PUBG Mobile, players have to either revive teammates while fighting the enemies or flee from the location while sacrificing them whenever allies get knocked out. Therefore, fans can expect the arrival of the following features to the game through the 1.7 update: New feature: Carry function Most of the features teased in a beta version normally end up making their way to the game, and hence, one can expect the developers to do the same with the PUBG Mobile 1.7 (beta) update. The only requirement is a stable internet connection to download the application and additional resources.


    However, for the beta version of PUBG Mobile’s upcoming 1.7 update, anyone who has installed the APK file can look at the new features. Users are required to download a specific APK of the update’s beta version to join such testing programs, and generally, a limited number of players get the access. Krafton has consistently introduced a testing phase for the fans before every PUBG Mobile update they launch.

    Pubg pc update today